Агентство недвижимости Северного Кипра Veles Property

The Green Bracelet project ended with an environmental festival in Famagusta

Проект «Зеленый браслет» завершился экологическим фестивалем в Фамагусте

The final event of the project “Green Bracelet: Environmental Literacy for Sustainable Development”, funded by the “EU Grants Programme for Cypriot Civil Society VII” and implemented by the Famagusta Cultural Association, was held in the format of a festival in Gazimagusa.

According to the association, the festival was held from 10:30 to 16:30 in Desdemona Park, located in the historic center of Famagusta. The main goal of the event was to raise awareness about environmental protection, support environmental initiatives and promote the development of environmental literacy in society. The theme of the festival – “Small Steps, Big Impact” – emphasized the importance of even small actions for the preservation of the environment.

The festival brought together people, associations and organizations that support an eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle, respect for nature and culture. Participants had the opportunity to communicate directly with students and the public, sharing experiences and ideas.

In addition, the participants of the festival could get acquainted with social videos on the topic of ecology and sustainable development, which were specially prepared for the event.

Link to the page: https://kibrisgazetesi.com

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