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Проект «Зеленый браслет» завершился экологическим фестивалем в Фамагусте

The Green Bracelet project ended with an environmental festival in Famagusta

The final event of the project "Green Bracelet: Environmental Literacy for Sustainable Development", funded by the "EU Grants Programme for Cypriot Civil Society VII" and implemented by the Famagusta Cultural Association, was held in the format of a festival in Gazimagusa. According to the association, the festival was held from 10:30 to 16:30 in Desdemona Park, located in the historic center of Famagusta....

Menu and climate, what do they have in common?

The food choices we make every day have a big impact on the climate and the environment, and it seems that the younger generation is paying more attention to this issue than ever before. A new study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Mattress has found that the majority of Gen Z and millennials would like to have clearer information from restaurants about the environmental impact of different...

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