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Около 130 студентов посетили Лефке, город сети Cittaslow в ТРСК

Around 130 students visited Lefke, the city of the Cittaslow network in the TRNC

The municipalities of Yenibogaziçi, Lefke, Mehmetçık-Büyükkonuk, Göçitkale-Serdarlı and Tatlısu, members of the TRNC Cittaslow network, started the new year with excursion activities to promote their cities, starting from Lefke. According to Cittaslow, these activities help younger students learn about the country's history and nature and strengthen ties between cities. About 130 primary school...

Городской оркестр Фамагусты дал концерт «Незабываемые песни о любви»

Famagusta City Orchestra gave a concert “Unforgettable Love Songs”

The Famagusta City Orchestra once again delighted the audience at the "Unforgettable Love Songs" concert organized by the local municipality. The evening, which took place in Namık Kemal Square, was not only a musical event, but also an action of solidarity, drawing attention to the case of Isias. A special moment of the concert was the performance of the guest artist Dervish Işgüzar together with the...

Триумф девушки из ТРСК на международном конкурсе красоты

TRNC Girl’s Triumph at International Beauty Pageant

The 9th International Competition "Top Model of Northern Cyprus" was held on the territory of the Grand Sapphire Resort, impressing with the high level of organization. The winner of the competition was Hayat Gökel, representing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the second place was taken by Evelie Maria from Canada, and the third place was taken by Athena Podsevalova from France. The title of...

Как вертикальное озеленение помогает сократить «городские острова тепла»

How Vertical Gardening Helps Reduce ‘Urban Heat Islands’

During the hot summer months, cities heat up to unprecedented temperatures. Due to the lack of greenery, so-called "heat islands" are formed there, which are much hotter than in rural areas. Now German inventors have created special oases that will help reduce the temperature. A Frankfurt-based startup has developed an architectural solution for urban landscaping. Its vertical landscaping system includes...

В Брисбене появилась парикмахерская для людей с афроволосами

A hairdresser for people with afro hair appeared in Brisbane

This hairdressing salon in Brisbane, Australia, is made for people with very curly hair. Here they can easily cope even with such hair as Africans. Hairdresser and stylist Pat has been specializing in curly hair for 13 years. The choice is understandable, since she herself has such hair. Pat's career began in Brazil. Last year, the woman moved to Australia. Pat Dionyzio, hairdresser-stylist: "When I...

Меры для улучшения порядка и качества жизни в городе Фамагуста

Measures to improve order and quality of life in Famagusta

Famagusta Metropolitan Municipality announces new initiatives aimed at improving road order and strengthening urban well-being. From Monday, October 14, measures will come into force that will help maintain road safety for all residents and guests of the city. Fines for improper parking will be imposed by the relevant unit of the municipality, as well as by traffic police officers. The fixed fine for...

Фатма Нида Токо вписала своё имя в историю гимнастики ТРСК

Fatma Nida Toko inscribed her name in the history of TRNC gymnastics

Fatma Nida Toko became the first TRNC winner to win a gymnastics medal abroad. She placed 3rd in the women's individual category at the 2024 Turkish Championships. Her outstanding performance brought a historic victory for the country. Another athlete, Asli Asli, finished the championship in 16th place. In the category where athletes born in 2015 competed in their age groups, Fatma Nida Toko became the...



The 23rd Olive Festival kicks off today in the picturesque village of Zeytenlik in North Cyprus. It is one of the most significant cultural events in the region, bringing together locals and tourists from all over the world. The festival will last five days, until October 6, and will offer a rich program for all ages. Guests will enjoy a variety of events: sports competitions, performances by children's...

В Фамагусте открыли отделение интенсивной терапии новорожденных

Neonatal intensive care unit opened in Famagusta

The inauguration of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the State Hospital took place in Famagusta. The ceremony was attended by TRNC Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and Health Minister Hakan Dinçürek. This event was an important step towards improving the region's healthcare system. The Minister of Health expressed confidence that the new unit, created in partnership with the Eastern Mediterranean...

Новый парк на Северном Кипре: пространство для активного отдыха и семейного досуга

New park in North Cyprus: a space for outdoor activities and family leisure

A modern and cozy park will soon appear in Northern Cyprus, which will become a favorite place for citizens to relax. In the Kanlıköy district, work has begun on the creation of a public space, which promises to become one of the most attractive corners of the region. The mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy, Hüseyin Amcaoğlu, spoke about the project on social media, emphasizing the importance of this park for...

Аптеки ТРСК переходят на новый режим работы с улучшенными условиями!

TRNC pharmacies are switching to a new mode of operation with improved conditions!

In Northern Cyprus, the opening hours of pharmacies have been updated, which will become more convenient and adapted to the needs of the population. The new regime will take effect on September 16, 2024 and will last until September 21, 2025. The document establishing the new procedure for the work of pharmacies for the next year officially entered into force and was published in the Official Gazette....

Famous football player Ronaldinho arrived in Northern Cyprus

The legendary football player Ronaldinho arrived on a visit to the TRNC. The two-time FIFA World Footballer of the Year title landed at Ercan Airport on Thursday evening. Ronaldinho visited Northern Cyprus to participate in the International Summit Awards ceremony, organized by the Turkish media group Pars International. The event will take place in one of the hotels in Çatalköy. Local media captured...

Famagusta City Fair

On August 30, the annual fair started in Famagusta on the territory of the walled city. The opening of the event took place at 20:00 with a performance by the Famagusta Municipality Folk Dance Ensemble. Then, the audience was pleased with a fire dance show, and at 21:00 the opening concert with the participation of Ahmet Evan began. All subsequent concerts within the framework of the fair will begin at...

Famagusta’s car fleet has been replenished with 19 new cars

Famagusta Metropolitan Municipality continues to actively renew its fleet with the acquisition of 19 new vehicles. Over the past 20 months, 77 vehicles, including several generators, have been purchased as part of the modernization program. During the last two months, the municipality has successfully completed a tender for the purchase of 19 vehicles and four generators, two of which are equipped with...

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