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Агентство недвижимости Северного Кипра Veles Property

North Cyprus


There is no doubt that everyone dreams of visiting Cyprus at least once in their life and seeing with their own eyes the gifts of this unique island.
Northern Cyprus is unique in everything – in geographical location, history, climate, beautiful beaches, legends…

Karpas Peninsula
Аббатство Беллапаис
Bellapais Abbey


The history of Cyprus consists of numerous milestones, a detailed account of which will follow below.
The island began to be inhabited in the Neolithic period, which marked the beginning of life in Cyprus…

National cuisine

Ask me to describe the national cuisine of the northern Cypriots in three words.
And I will say: Kebab, Hellim, Pekmez.
Wait, wait, what kind of abracadabra, you say.
And I, smiling, answer: But how delicious….

Кухня Северного Кипра. Лаврак.
Grilled sea bass
English School of Kyrenia
ESK English School


The education system in Northern Cyprus is very different from the usual one for citizens of the CIS countries.
If our school is general education, then after the 8th grade there is a distribution in 2 areas, these are technical and humanitarian…


Medical facilities in Northern Cyprus meet the European standard.
The latest technology and surgical techniques are standard: heart bypass surgery and kidney transplants are performed by…

больницы северного кипра
Kolan Hospital

Your home in North Cyprus

There is a place on the planet where you can walk alone in the evening, where children are not bullied by classmates, where even the most elite restaurant is accessible to the simplest resident, where cars let pedestrians pass on the roads and no one beats a novice driver, where neighbors are happy to invite you to visit and stir up a joint kebab, where children are fluent in three or four languages, where "mess" means glass, where summer is all year round, where you can create a COZY SAFE HARBOR WITH A SEA VIEW at any income level and social status.

This place is North Cyprus.
You can move here too.

You can start LIVING and ENJOYING life NOW!

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